It’s been a long time since I rock and rolled

Just kidding… I was head banging on the way into work today….

Well it’s been about 7 months now since I last blogged. Figured I should catch everyone up

Well I worked at a global retail bakery company for the last two years as the manager of business intelligence for north america. Catchy title huh? I had a blast though. Got to travel the world (ok, just to Amsterdam), I gave birth to a brand new data warehouse (yes it hurt) and made some good friends. But today that data warehouse is standing on its own feet and it has not slammed it’s fingers in the door…yet…that I know of….

Recently though I decided to move back into the world of consulting. So I am now a brand spanking new solutions architect for Valorem Consulting. Great company with some pretty cool (and smart) people. The other nice thing….they are really good friends with MSFT. And since I love their cool-aid, I fit right in.

So over the next few months I am hoping to blog at least once a month on some new, exciting projects that I am working on. I will also finally be taking my certifications. It’s only been 4 years since they have been out and i figure by now they should be pretty stable…. 🙂

Well…until my next post….arrivederci!

Are you starting a Business Intelligence project?

If you are, I strongly suggest you have a look at this

This is the Indiana University website for their BI Initiative. The plan looks well thought out and they do an excellent job at identifying all of the key area’s that will help them be successful. If you have a few minutes, I highly recommend taking a look!

p.s. Ralph Kimball and Joy Mundy actually point to these guys in their MS DW Toolkit book as a resource for naming standards in data warehouse design. In my mind that says alot about the EDSS team at IU.